Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three Simple Ways To Make Your Computer Faster Again

Computers are never as fast as you want them to be. It seems that as soon as you buy them, they start to slow down. Which is actually true - it's not just a figment of your imagination.

Here are 3 ways to get your computer back up to speed:

1: Check your anti virus software is always current.

If you haven't extended the free anti-virus software trial that came with your computer, you need to get up to date. New viruses come out all the time. If one of these nasty programs manages to breach your defenses, you'll be in trouble. Viruses can do anything from slow down your computer to chewing up and destroying your valuable files and data.

2: Keep checking for spyware

Spyware is different from a virus. A virus is deliberately malicious in nature. Spyware isn't always that way. Spyware is designed to spy on your system. It may do this so that it can send you more targeted adverts when you're browsing different sites. Or it may inspect your keystrokes so that it can get access to your logins and passwords. On top of that, spyware can cause system crashes and other programs. It's rare for spyware to be thoroughly tested before it's released and there won't have been a queue of beta testers, lining up to have their privacy invaded.

3: Check your Windows registry

Whilst it is possible to check the Windows registry by hand, this isn't at all recommended. Even die hard nerds don't normally venture there. The Windows registry stores all kinds of information about your computer. Everything from that useful "recent files list" to the position on screen a program last opened at. And much, much more. The trouble is that when a program is removed from your system or upgraded to the latest version, it will likely leave remnants in the registry. Over time these scraps of information will slow down your computer. These remnants may even cause unexpected crashes or there's a chance your computer will freeze (usually just before you were going to save something important). A good registry checker will sort out these problems and speed your computer up again.

Check out these registry checker reviews for the latest recommendations.

You can learn it computer-aided design today


When designing something complex in CAD Software you will find there is a bit of a process.  First you design parts.  Then you build the parts into Sub-Assemblies.  Next you build sub-assemblies into Groups.  Then you build the groups into the machine.  It is a logical pyramid process.  You can also think of it like a file structure inside of a computer.

Designing Parts
Parts are your basic building blocks.Without this level, nothing could be manufactured.  The part level breaks the entire “thing” down to its simplest form.  You also manufacture at the part level.  You make parts, and then assemble them into other things.  Parts are generally made out of raw materials.
Think of a differential on the rear axel of a car.  The differential is made up of gears and a housing.  Each of these are parts of the differential and the differential is the assembly of these parts.

Designing Sub Assemblies
Sub Assemblies are the next level up and I am guessing you are getting the idea.  You first design parts, then put them together into sub assemblies.  In the car example above the differential is a sub assembly in the axel “Group” of the car.  Sub Assemblies are put together to form groups.

Designing Groups
Moving up the design chain, groups are usually things you can identify with.  It could be a door, engine, transmission, or cooling package on a car.  Above we used the example of an Axle as a Group.  Groups are put together into machines.  Our example is a car, which is at the machine level.

Designing the mechanism
Finally, the top level of all your designing, the machine.  The machine could be built for the end user or be sold to another manufacturer.  That manufacturer could use your “machine” as a sub assembly or group.  You can see all this is just a matter of viewpoint.  You can consider just about anything a sub assembly, group or final machine.  It is all just semantics and what you are using the item for.

CAD Software Price Points
I consider there to be a few different price points in the CAD Software Market.These can be viewed as hobby or professional price ranges.  This is usually a good break as well in the features a program offers.  Here is a quick run down.

Hobby computer aided design software
Could possibly be free
$0-$500 price point
Could be 2D, 2.5D or 3D capable, usually 2D or 2.5D
Stand alone licenses
Meant for an easy user interface
Probably missing some advanced tools

Professional CAD Software
$500-$10,000 price point
2D, 2.Five dimensional and 3D capable
Network version that let multiple designers interact
Different modules or plug-ins like FMEA
Full featured, most every type of tool is available

Examples of Commercial CAD Software Programs
Auto computer aided design (AutoCAD)
Turbo CAD

CNC Information Free Community Site:
Do you want to know more about CNC, head on over to http://www.cncinformation.com
Joining the site is free and you get two CNC eBooks for free. One is a GCode Quick Guide and the other is the CNC Info Site eBook. You also get access to the Free Video Series...Image to CNC art work when you join the free CNC community right now.

What is CAD and how do I design with it

computer aided design

CAD stands for Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting.  CAD was developed in the early 60s.  Today it is the premier way to design, develop and optimized products.People use computer aided design daily to design darn near every product that you see when you look around.Designers use CAD to first design a product, and then they produce prints so they can manufactured that product.  A print is a picture of a part or assembly that is very exact.  It includes the dimensions and a parts list used to manufacture a product.

CAD is the use of computer software that assist engineers architects and other professionals with their designs. Computer-aided design is the part of the Main design process and involves both software and at times hardware. Current software packages range from 2D vector based drafting systems to 3D solid and surface modelers.
Computer Aided Drafting software packages can generally be broken into two groups.  The groups are 2-D drafting packages or 3-D drafting packages.  Most all software packages are moving to 3-D design.  3-D design is really the next generation of CAD.Using three dimensional design, engineers can make a model of their product or part.  They can then look over this model for any apparent defects before it is ever made.

Computer aided design is used to design develop and optimized products.Computer aided design is mainly used for engineering of models and drawing parts.  It is also used throughout the engineering process from concept to design of products.  These products can be used by end consumers or used in other products.  For example, you can design a bolt in CAD, and then use it in a Sub-Assembly in a planetary, which is a part of an earth-moving machine.  CAD Design is also used in the design of tools and machinery.  Finally, it is used in the design of all types of buildings from sheds to shopping malls.

Print Reading and Drafting
When I went through college I learned how to read prints and draft.  We had a bag of physical tools that we purchased and hauled around campus.  T-Squares, French Curves, compasses, pencils and erasers filled this bag.  Then you had a pad of drafting paper and a drafting desk.  You would pin or tape the paper down and begin drawing or drafting.
Drafting paper has a grid to help keep you aligned as you began you design.  In CAD, there is a grid you snap to, or guides to keep you straight.We use plastic templates to draw are drafting curves.  CAD has numerous tools to draw curves and lines.  We had calculators to figure out distances and ratios.  CAD does this automatically.

Computer aided design replace drafting.CAD moved the same process into a flexible environment.  CAD has also helped out with networking of designs.  Different designers and engineers can work on the same assembly in different parts at the same time.  This team effort really moves the overall process along much faster.

However, as far as print reading goes, that is about the same as it was before.  Drafting outputs prints and CAD outputs prints.  A human still needs to be able to read them and make sense of them.  A plus with CAD is that it is much more standardized and clear.  Many times before, prints were unique to their maker.  Similar to handwriting, you could not always figure out what the engineer wanted to convey to you.  CAD cleans all that up.

How do I translate my design into the computer?
This is how I view CAD.  You learn a CAD software interface and begin the translation of your idea into the computer.  This usually takes some time and thinking.  Many times your idea and design will be revised as you discover things you have missed.While you are programming your design, your idea begins to take shape inside of the computer.  Now you can share it with others.

Different Design Views
In Drafting and CAD there are different views.  These are viewpoints of your part or project from different sides.  We need these different viewpoints to be able to describe our project accurately.  Think of it like seeing an elephant from the front.  You have no idea what the side or rear end of an elephant looks like.  To be able to accurately convey the elephant to another person you need multiple views.

The main print or design views are:
Front View
Top View
Right Side View
Isometric View

CNC Information Free Community Site:
If you would like to know more about CNC, head on over to http://www.cncinformation.com
You can join for Free and you get two free CNC ebooks. One is a GCode Quick Guide and the other is the CNC Info Site eBook. You also get access to the Free Video Series...Image to CNC Art when you join the community.

Computer Software For Children

Educating your children can be made fun and entertaining with all the creative computer software available for children.  Even a preschooler can learn how to use a computer, learn reading, spelling and math skills through children's computer software.

Moreover, parents are often, rightfully protective and concerned with how to do this in a safe way for their children. They feel better knowing they can be there, and have an active hand in the introduction to the world of computer literacy. Children's computer software and especially educational games can be the best way to do this.

There are such wide ranges of choices that cater to all different kinds of creative minds. They range from all different age groups, genres, and subjects.  If you inform yourself about the many programs out there and find the right ones for you and your child, you may find that children's computer software does not have to be just for kids.  Nevertheless, there are so many options available. How does one decide?

The first step is to assess your child's needs.  Does your child need something to improve their math skills or possibly their reasoning skills?  Are they having trouble with reading or spelling?  Some software may appear to be just a game to a child but it is actually honing their deductive reasoning skills teaching them to read and do simple math at the same time.

So be sure to think about what you and your children want from the software you choose, as well as taking into account the age range that fits your child. Another thing to think about is what kind of software suits particular tastes. If choosing a game, educational or just fun, do your children like adventures, fantasy, sports, mystery, or something altogether different?

Do they want to be an animal, mineral, and vegetable? Maybe they want to know more about the stars, or the ocean, or the planet. Do they want to do their own archaeology digs or hunt pirate treasure?  Discussing and thinking about these tastes can insure that you choose software that stimulates the imagination and keeps them interested. If your child is older, this may be something they can choose for themselves or together with you.

Computer time can be a great time for the family to interact together.  Eveyone can get involved in the game.  Your children will learn computer skills as well as how to communicate and cooperate and compete and even lose all within the safety of the home.

By doing some online research you can find sites that will inform you about good and bad aspects of the software you are interested in as well as what age and skill level it is geared towards.  You want software that reinforces good choices and positive learning skills.

After you have done the research you will be able to make an informed choice in children's computer software. By making learning fun you and your child will both be benefiting.

Get more information about software and computers visit Cheapest Laptop

Rapid Spell Web.Net- just check it out

Rapid Spell Web.Net- just check it out

Rapid spell Web.net is a multiplatform "software development" tool that provides a spelling component to add spell check functionality to your web applications by directly accessing the classes in a code behind page. Rapid spell web provides ASPNET developers and designers with a cross browser server control that requires no client installation, no special security settings and as much flexibility as you want. "Software development corporations in South Africa" are popularly using this spell checker for increasing their sales figure.

The UI provides all the usual features add, change, change all, ignore, ignore all and smart suggestions. The spell checker UI features an advanced option to interactively highlight errors. The spell checker accepts manual corrections and also supports user dictionaries. The included non GUI component provides core spell checker function, which means it is suitable for server applications.

Written for .NET in c#, Rapid spell uses combined and separate words from US and UK dictionaries, fast and a powerful suggestion engine. You can also add Dutch, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, etc dictionaries to Rapidspell.Net applications.

Now if we look at its technical features Rapid spell Web can be used in both Internet explorer and Netscape because it uses only HTML and JavaScript on the web browser. The important features are as below.

* It is a mature, fully featured spell checker
* Includes C# and VB.NET samples
* Compatible with Html, ASP.NET, and 3rd party Html text boxes
* Fast algorithms and quality non-English dictionaries also available
* No-post back interface and one click multiple text box checking
* Free e-mail support and free minor version updates
* Full customization of text, style, color and layout
* Cross browser, IE5, NS6 on PC and Mac
* SSL safe and used on 1000s of websites
* High performance server cluster support
* Modal/non-modal popup mode
* Open API for full customization

Rapid spell desktop Java V2.2.1, .NET 4.0, V3.0, and the latest Web.NET 3.5 version, all are now global in dialog spell checker and has added consistent support for down level browsers. Also, it is a free to try software development company and you can download and try for an estimate period.

How education uses software development

Since several years ago software development has invaded, in a positive way, our lives. Every task you should face in your daily routine has some link with certain systems or applications: education, entertainment, work, etc.

Nowadays, there is such amount of software development courses offered in traditional educational plans or in online courses that it is impossible not to feel involved in the revolution of software development focused on the best part of our destiny: education.

Since many years ago software development has come into our homes, in a positive way, our lives. Every task you should face in your daily routine has some link with certain systems or applications: education, entertainment, work, etc.

Nowadays, there is such amount of software development courses offered in traditional educational plans or in online courses that it is impossible not to feel involved in the revolution of software development focused on the best part of our destiny: education.

In today's technology-driven universe, people who want to become software developers have a special opportunity of making their dream a reality. Computer software developers or engineers are thought to be one of the most required professionals.

If you are a student that expects to devote your life to improving and creating software development, you will need to see how to use Laws and techniques of IT world.

After getting your degree, it will be vital to acquire new skills to keep your knowledge updated. IT is one of the areas that changes faster than any other within scientific world.

Some of the marvelous applications, systems or programs you will be able to use, improve or even modify are CRM, Databases, ERP, Hosted Apps, Server Virtualization, Linux and Software development company Blog, among others.

One of the varsities that give a significant educational opportunity for those who wish to be professionals in software development is the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They have a Software Development Center that provides students with real-world practice in designing and developing quality software to offer their future clients the best prospect in the market.

Remember that if you are dreaming about software development, you will need all the best educational tools to get the top rank within professional world. Do not waste any chance to improve your knowledge in this Varsity or in any other you prefer.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Internet PPC Strategy and Plan

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is becoming an essential marketing tool for any business that uses the Internet to drive sales. With PPC, the traffic that you receive can be extremely targeted depending on your choice of keywords. The major PPC platforms that you should familiarize yourself with are Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN AdCenter. There is a learning curve associated with each one but if you master them all, it can be financially rewarding.

As with any business decision, once you decide to utilize PPC you should have a solid strategy in place. Before you start spending a single advertising dollar, you should set up metrics to gauge the success of your advertising campaign. Do your homework and find out what your break even point should be. Knowing this number will help you determine what will be an acceptable cost per conversion or cost per click.

Suppose for a moment that you make $50 per sale. You have to first assume what your conversion rate is to find out what the cost per conversion will be. Suppose that your traffic converts at 2%, so every 100 visitors will result in 2 sales. That means that you can afford to pay up to $100 or $1 per click for 100 clicks to reach your break even point. Estimating the conversion rate will help you decide how much you can afford to bid per click.

The better you know your target demographic, the more you will save on PPC advertising costs. Therefore, it is imperative for you to do your market research. If you know that your customers are mostly from the United States and they are shopping online during certain hours of the day, targeting the right countries and turning off your campaigns during certain times of the day may save you a lot of money.

Be sure to test and track to see how your ads are performing. Always split test your ads. Keep the better performing ad and write a new ad to try to beat that one. Incremental improvements in the click-through ratio (CTR) can help you improve your ad position while preserving your cost per click. In the long run, continual improvements in your ads can help you beat your competition. You should also invest time into researching keywords related to your market and keeping up with the trends associated with your product.

In order to manage your traffic campaigns more efficiently, you have to plan well and set up your ad groups properly. When you are doing your keyword research, try to group related keywords into separate ad groups. Then write different ads for each group. The more targeted your ads are, the better their quality score. A high quality score will help you lower your bids.

These are just a few suggestions to get you started. There are plenty of resources out there to help you learn PPC. Be sure to set aside a budget for educating yourself. There is a steep learning curve for PPC and you have to be prepared to lose some money in the beginning. However, once you master the techniques, you can drive targeted traffic to any website on demand.

Google Wealth Maker Leverage - Super Affiliate Reveals New Google Weapon

Google Wealth Maker adds leverage to any Internet Business. That is the headline and there is a lot of truth in it. Ok, so you want to start doing business online or you have a somewhat decent online business or you might want to take your affiliate earnings to a higher level, how do you do that? Well, there are no hard and fast answers, but one thing is sure, that you need the right tools and resources to stay above your competition and to see progress on a daily basis and not just wait around for something great to happen.

Are you at the point of frustration? You have written so many articles that your fingers are so tired of typing. You have outsourced your articles and painstakingly submitted them to article directories. You have updated your blog daily and submitted your blog post to social bookmarkers. You have done the RSS Feed submission. You have participated in forums and when you check your affiliate account, all you see are a few dollars per day. Does this sound like you? Or you may be the one is who is making a decent income online, but still think that you can do better and want an easier way to make it happen. Does this describe who you are?

If these examples fit your description, Google Wealth Maker is all you need to make easy money online without having to consider Google Adwords, which is not for the faint of heart. Why should you listen to me? Well, I have been at the lower end of the scale. I would wake up each morning anxious to see my affiliate account. I would be thankful to see that I made a sale or two or even three some days, but that could not pay my bills. I did not want to go back to work for anyone, so I had to find something that worked and I had to find it fast. I don’t think it was luck. I think it was meant to be. I asked for it. I believed and had hope that I would be successful. You attract what you think. At least that is my belief and I attracted Google Wealth Maker.

Together with my desires to do better and the creation of Google Wealth Maker, we became a perfect match and I took my online business to another level. It was a match made in heaven. So what this Google Wealth Maker? Eric Rockefeller and Howie Schwartz are two innovative online gurus that saw the need that people like me had and created a software that they named, Google Wealth Maker. It has push button tool that makes it easy for anyone to generate insane amounts of free clicks to your affiliate links and all of this will be done on autopilot.

Eric Rockefeller's unique software has never before been released to the public and it is by invitation only. If you are sick of bloated Google Adword cost, want to make more money online, want to live the life of a super affiliate, want to build a list faster than ever, tired of being left out of the high page rank that others are enjoying in the major search engines, are having difficulty getting targeted traffic to your money pages, want to stop using pay per click ads, then Google Wealth Maker is the answer for you.

Some people wait around and watch their competitors snatch the best resources and tools because they know that it is important to take action right away and then complain about not being successful. Internet Marketing requires leverage and that is what Google Wealth Maker offers. You leverage the software to get traffic to your money pages that are defined and targeted to what you are promoting. With such leverage, you have more advantage and opportunities available to you.

If you want to take advantage of this special invitation to take a trial peak at Google Wealth Maker, then I urge you to visit the main page at Google Wealth Maker right now before spots are all gone and you are left out.

Get Google Wealth Maker to improve Affiliate Earning

Everyone is always trying to stay on top of Google and reaching the top of the search engine mountain so to speak and Google Wealth Maker is no different. This is a product that holds a lot of privacy and confidentiality. It is hard to get into the portfolio of Google Wealth Maker without an invitation.

I was able to do some butt-kissing and got a hold of the product and must say that I was very impressed with the high quality of product that Erick Rockefeller and Howie Schwartz have come up with in their partnership.

This is not just another of those software that you see now and it disappears after a while on the market. It is going to be tweeked and updated for years to come and will have additional software added to it. Once you are in, you will get all the updates for future years.

The idea of painstakingly submitting to every social marketing site, article directories, and RSS feed will be solved with this one software product. You will have an advantage over your competition and see faster success with your online business. No online business owner should be without this tool in my opinion.

If you are not taken by membership sites, then this would not be for you. This would be the only downside. However, the good news is that the product is being tested by some Internet Super Affiliates right now and they are paying $197 per month and seeing lots more money to their bottom line. I am sure they don’t mind paying that amount for a product such as Google Wealth Maker.

Howie and Eric are launching the Google Wealth Maker tomorrow, September 25, 2008 and offering it to the public for only $77 per month.

Eric Rockefeller is known for his Affiliate Conspiracy and Affiliate Rockstar Status product that have done well for him and for other affiliates. So his reputation has been nothing but good. This is one of the reasons why I would even recommend this program to you. You have to feel comfortable about who you are doing business with and in this case it is definitely so. The quality of his previous products has put Eric Rockefeller in good standing with his peers. Both Eric and Howie realize that you have to keep abreast of the changing online market and so they are always trying to find bigger and better products to conquer the search engines. Google Wealth Maker fits that bill.

It brings some fresh and new ideas to increase your affiliate earnings and give you an edge over your competition. This is just not another clickbank product that will sit on the marketplace shelf. In fact, these two guys have decided not to use clickbank for this product. You have to get a personal invitation from someone to get in and that someone is me! I personally invite you to look keenly at the Google Wealth Maker and see this software as I see it – the best thing that ever happened to Internet Marketing. To get the software, go to Google Wealth Maker now!

The 3 Essential Components Of Google AdSense Success

An ever increasing number of people are trying their luck with the internet marketing field as time goes by.  leading] reasons for such an avalanche in numbers is AdSense, Google's absolutely profitable pay per click (PPC) program that empowers website [owners from all over the globe to show contextually relevant ads on their digital pages, and get paid every time a visitor of theirs clicks on a displayed advertisement.

These days, people who once avoided the internet like the plague have learned how to build informative websites that attract ads which are amazingly relevant to their content.  For this reason, visitors are more likely to click on these ads, and the website [owners can start [earning from the same.

However, not every [webmaster is successful with PPC programs like the aforementioned system.

Many operators] fail to satisfy the 3 essential components of Google AdSense success.  What are these components?

1.    Cost per click (CPC).  For the reason that AdSense is a pay per click program, your profit would greatly be based on how much is the price of each click.  Being able to find keywords that go for high costs from AdSense would surely allow maximum [profit from this undertaking.  You can garner 100 clicks every 24 hours, just to illustrate, but if each ad only pays $0.01 per click, you'd only earn $1 as your trophy for the day.  On the other hand, if an ad is worth, say $0.15 per click, that's an instant fifteen dollars for a 24 hour period, which is excellent for a single website.  Hence, just think, if an ad commands $1 or $2 per click.  You would've struck a goldmine, right?  Finding out a keyword's CPC is not that easy.  The surest method is to join google.com/adwords.  Study the bids for any keyword that comes to mind.  This will give you an idea how much a click of their ads is worth.

2.    Traffic.  Visitors are the lifeblood of any online business, AdSense-enrolled websites being part of that list.  You have to generate traffic - a gargantuan volume of visitors if possible - to generate some clicks - lots and lots of clicks.  You can proven] internet marketing tactics for such purposes, of course.

3.    Click through rate (CTR).  The CTR pertains to the number of people who get to click on the ads that appear on your web pages.  Your goal is to get a high CTR to profit via AdSense.  A high CTR can be attained by inviting the proper ads per web page - which in turn can be accomplished with uni-subject content and correct keyword optimization - and the profitable placement of the ads on the layout of each web page.

make a living online...

Is it possible to make a part time or full time living on the
Internet? Can you really make enough money to make your time

According to all the "gurus" you can easily make a LOT of money
by buying their program and doing EXACTLY what they tell you to

Is all of this hype really true? The answer is yes and no. It
really is true that a stay at home Mom or a student in need of
extra income or a full time worker needing a part-time income can
make money on the Internet. It is also true that a lot of people
are making a full-time living and even becoming rich on the

The question is, "Can you do it too"? Again the answer is maybe
yes and maybe no. It all depends on how much time you are willing
to invest in studying the techniques and learn the methods you
need for Internet Marketing (IM) success.

The fastest way to earn extra money online is to sell on Ebay.
You can start right now, today, and in 3 days be paid online for
items you sell. There are a lot of "get rich quick" tutorials for
sale on how to make it on Ebay, but you don't need one. You can
simply register at the Ebay site, read their tutorial and get
started selling items you have around the house.

A lot of people make a few extra dollars to a few hundred extra
dollars a month on Ebay. Others make a lot more. Ebay or any
business you get into online or in a physical business location
has the potential to make money. Lots of people succeed in
business and a lot fail. Your success or failure will partially
depend on how well you prepare, how much you study and how much
energy you put into the project.

The great thing about online businesses compared to brick and
mortar stores is it usually costs a lot less to get started. For
instance, getting stared selling on Ebay doesn't cost anything.
You only pay fees when you run an Ebay auction ad.

Once you have some money rolling in on Ebay, you can invest in
one of the guru courses that you can find in any search engine by
doing a search for, "Internet marketing".

Do you have to buy a course? No, you can find free information
online to help you get started. The advantage of a course is that
it is all in one place. A decent course starts at about $67 and
runs up to about $197. There are other cheaper courses and more
expensive ones. It is best to start learning with a moderately
priced course.

Every course you find will offer you good advice. Some are better
than others. It is hard to say which is best. Just like some
people love Fords and hate Chevy's, it is the same with IM guru
courses. The secret is to do a little online research, pick one
and then follow it.

Internet Marketing can be as easy as creating a simple website
and putting other company's ads on the site. You get paid when
someone buys a product or even when someone clicks on an ad. You
don't even need a product to sell; you only have other's ads on
your web pages.

Ebay is a make money today proposition. For most people, Internet
Marketing is a get rich slow process. Yes, some people make money
within days or weeks of starting on online business. Most take a
little longer to get established.

There are no hard and fast rules on how long it will take you to
make money online or how much you can make. It all depends on how
hard you are willing to work and how much time you are willing to
devote to creating a new business.

How To Use Clickbank To Generate monster profit



How To Use Clickbank To Generate

Monster Ongoing Profits


      - by Andrew Fox


© Andrew Fox - All Rights reserved




ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital

marketplace, where thousands of the

web's most popular products are sold

every day. 


What what people don't realize is how

easy it is to get started with Clickbank

and how you can start generating

sales even if you have your own



There are a few ways to do this.


1) Acquire Resale Rights to a product

you don't own, create an page for

affiliates and supply them tools to

promote and feed of their efforts.


2) Promote products as an affiliate

using Pay per Click Search Engines


So which method is best?


I've successfully tried both methods,

both with good results.


For the beginner I recommend

promoting products as an affiliate

to get used to how the system works

and to help sharpen your pay per

click search engine advertising



Acquiring Resale Rights to a hot

selling product can be lucrative

venture when set up correctly.


In fact I managed to generate over

$25,764 in sales for a resale license

I paid $197 for without spending

a penny on advertising.


I was able to do this by leveraging

Clickbank's instant affiliate force

which I teach in great depth in my

new course Dominating CB. 


Once you have built a successful

customer and lead list there

are also several ways you can

leverage this into even greater



Clickbank is such an attractive

proposition for affiliates to use.

They know they are going to get

paid twice per month and on

clockwork every time. 


Sometimes product owners

complain that the fees are higher

than the average merchant

account but the ability to leverage

it's massive network of affiliate

can results in mega profits when

done correctly.


Warm Regards,


Andrew Fox




Andrew Fox has been marketing online

since 1999 and has sold millions of

dollars of products. You can view

his Clickbank tutorial guide now at




Free free to reproduce this article to

your own website/ ezine list.




Designing An Effective Squeeze Page

Squeeze pages, sometimes also known as lead generator pages, are one of the basics on an internet marketer's arsenal.

Squeeze pages are designed with one purpose in mind. Their sole aim is to prize an email address out of a visitor. Once they've signed up, you have their permission to email them over and over again. But you need them to sign up to your list first!

First up, choose a template for your squeeze page. You can find these on the web either for free or for a small charge. If you choose the free option, make sure your target market is well away from such well trodden areas as internet marketing, weight loss and (weird as it may sound) dog training. If you don't do this, there's a high chance that your potential customer will have encountered a near-identical squeeze page so many times before, they're bored with it. So they would be more likely to click the back button.

Then change your template. As a minimum, you will need to add in a headline relevant to your offer and some "selly" bullet points. You may also want to split test your headlines to make sure that you're getting the maximum number of sign-ups. Some people report results in the order of 70% and more sign-ups from their squeeze pages.

You can also experiment with other elements on your squeeze page. Most of the time, people report that they get better results when they add audio messages to their squeeze pages. Test audio. Also test whether you get better results if the message starts to play as soon as a visitor gets to your squeeze page.

Nowadays, you will find video appearing more frequently on squeeze pages. One very good system is to use a video on the landing page that only shows part one. Make it clear that the second part is only made available to people who part with their email address. If you want to take this path, make sure you leave your readers with a "cliff hanger" at the end of part one. Just like the ones they used to have om Saturday mornings at the movies. If you don't rememer these, think of the ending of an episode of the television show "24". Make sure your viewer is hungry for more information. Which you'll let them have - once they've confirmed their email address.

You can get your squeeze pages designed at the click of a button with this simple lead page generator.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Select The Right Internet Marketing Online Affiliate Program

Are you someone who is interested in making money online?  But you do not actually have a product or service, which you feel people will want.  Then it may be about time that you considered getting involved in affiliate programs.  However, when it comes to selecting what is the right one for you can seem quite tricky, because there are just so many to choose from.  In this article, we provide some advice on things to look for when selecting the right kind of internet marketing online affiliate program.

There are a number of reasons why people are now becoming involved in the various different types of affiliate programs.  Some people do this simply so that they are able to earn an income online through legal methods.  Whilst others would like to put all their marketing efforts to much better use and hopefully at the end of the day, earn much better money because of it.

Tip 1 - When looking at the various affiliate programs now available it is best to select those that offer you good training facilities (whether it is on or offline).  Also ones that provide all their affiliates which plenty of support and resources that will assist them in the beginning and throughout the time they intend to run this online business.

Tip 2 - Rather than just going for those programs that offer their affiliates high commissions on sales, it is a good idea to look at the smaller ones as well.  You need to remember that you will have to put in as much effort to a program where there are huge commissions available as you would with the much smaller ones. 

Tip 3 - Another good kind of program to consider getting involved in are those that offer you the chance to earn residual commissions.  These kinds of sites will offer you the chance to earn further commissions with them should any of your customers who have purchased from the previously return to the site once more and purchase other goods from them.

Tip 4 - Look for those affiliate programs, which have a good tracking system in place so you can see exactly how well you are marketing that particular product for them.  If they do not have such a system in place, it makes it much more difficult for you to actually be able to work out what parts of your marketing campaign are working and which are not.  If you are able to see quickly the results of your marketing campaign and find that it is not, you will then be able to make the necessary changes, which will help to improve the situation.

Tip 5 - When first starting to use any kind of affiliate programs to make money online it is best to avoid any kinds of products that have been untested.  You are far better off going with those that have a proven track record and will help you to avoid some of the many scams that people will try online.

In this article, we have offered you a few tips that should hopefully assist you when it comes to selecting the right internet marketing online affiliate program for you.  By keeping these in mind you will be able to find exactly what you want and hopefully start to achieve your goals of earning money online.

Internet Search Marketing

Have been here at Veretekk for over a year! I love it! My appreciation to Tom Pendergast and Mike Darling! Also all the people that work behind these two wonderfull men. I really have Thanked God for these people. This is not all, the people that are trainers and "go beyond the call of duty" that help others know how to build their business. Never have I seen this before, these people go all the way! They teach the truth and how to set your business up to run "like a well oiled machine", no hype, no pressure, just the truth! It has taken me a year to write this, I have been very skeptical, had to be sure, my first three years on the internet was a costly learning experience. This is the first time I have enjoyed working on the Internet, Veretekk is for me! At eighty, I find that I need an extra pay check for a number of reasons. Veretekk is the only power house on the internet that I trust, I am working with the best of everything,a cutting edge company and great support.

The Platinum Panel Beta Launch has moved the Veretekk system way ahead of the pack for ease and speed when creating and implementing effective marketing strategies. The Platinum Panel really just enhances the existing Veretekk Marketing tools. The Platinum Control Panel has considerably speeded up starting an effective and targeted campaign. Serious entrepreneurs learned that the time spent in proper setup and configuration was time well spent.

Enter the Platinum Control Panel and a proper system configuration which used to take hours of focused (boring) manual entries, can now be completed in minutes with a few entries and the push of a button!

I have been marketing online since 1992 with varying degrees of success and yes, even sometimes failure. I found Veretekk, about 6 years ago, through another business that offered a Free Silver Limited Edition of the Veretekk system for their members. Veretekk was still in the development stage in those days and it still had the most effective marketing tools I had come across and thus started a whirlwind tour of marketing success. As I learned to use each feature, my marketing strategies started bearing fruit.

The Platinum Panel shortens the learning curve dramatically. You don't really need to know how it works, just follow the simple directions and you can have your own unique and targeted marketing strategy in place in minutes with your own customized configuration! When the Beta Launch was announced, I knew that I had to be a part of this unique group. Over the years, I have often thought of features I would like to see in future enhancements. Being a part of the Beta group gives me a voice in the development process and the opportunity to suggest enhancements for this already amazing tool!

Marketing at the speed of thought is not only possible, it is essential to online marketing success. The Platinum panel makes it possible for you to turn your ideas and visions into reality almost as quickly as you get the idea! That is powerful!

Paulette Sherb
Building Futures Today!

The Real Reason You've Yet To Make Any Money Online

Right now it seems that everyone and their dog are looking for the definitive way to make money on the internet, and if you've ever wondered how to make money online you'll no doubt be aware of the number of scams and empty promises that are out there in cyberspace.

You're looking for that simple way to make money at home online and yet you find yourself chasing your tail, jumping from one project to another and seemingly never making any real progress. I know when I started out this is exactly what happened to me and I see it all the time in newbie marketers. In truth, you just need to wake up and realise that until you follow one project through, you'll never see any real results.

So who is to blame for this really? But really, the marketers and consumers are as bad as each other and both must take the blame. Now the marketers are guilty of selling the products which position themselves as the ultimate solution to making money online. Sales page after sales page claims that their's is the only product you need to make a huge income. In actual fact there is no single ebook, piece of software or hot report that will make you a ton of money. No - it's only YOU that can make the money, there is no push button solution that will do it for you.

And this is why the consumers must also take the blame for the hype-filled merry go round that is internet marketing. 99% of people are hungry for that one thing that will make them money yesterday - but they don't want to do any work!

And so it will continue as long as consumers believe the hype, marketers will continue to fulfill demand. In some ways the two groups of people deserve each other!

Bum marketing software: Softwares which are important in article marketing

Article writing plays an important role in bum marketing. Article marketing serves the purpose of drawing traffics to your site. If you can write as much as you can, the traffics that can be generated daily are very scary. The more traffics you can get, then the more sales you can do for your product.

In bum marketing method, articles that are post in are briefly written. Any bum marketers should be able to produce an article with 300-400 words with keywords optimized within 20 minutes or 30 minutes. In the article, try to re-write your focused keywords or key phrases more often so that people can find your articles in the search engines. This is the key point of bum marketing method.

Another important point of article writing in bum marketing is, do your research before you write an articles. If you want to get a higher page rank, keyword optimization is something you must do. Google keyword tool is a keyword research specialist. Unless you are having some better softwares that can give you better keyword researching results, Google keyword tool is a tool generally used by the internet marketers.

Talk about bum marketing software, there are many useful bum marketing softwares that are really, really helpful in time saving and increasing production rate. Some softwares are good in doing keyword research, some are good in niche researching, while some can do well in RSS feeding.

It is sure that there are many other article writing softwares in the market that serves different purposes. If you can afford to spend a little money on some bum marketing softwares, then they will really give you a lot of help in your online business. Actually many softwares are giving out free trial for 1 week and guarantee to return you the money within a period of time if you are not happy with the software

I have created a site Bum marketing weaknesses and solutions for more advanced details about Bum Marketing and the appropriate tools you MUST use to maximize your profit in Internet Marketing.

Don't forget to drop by Expressed Bum marketing tool too to find out some secret and useful bum marketing tools which are not widely known to the marketers!

How to Write a Good Article

We all know the utter power and efficiency of article marketing.  I'd even claim without blinking that marketing with articles is the most powerful and most affordable online advertising technique that has been conceptualized since the dawn of the digital world.

The fact minus the fluff, if you're running an online business, you have to use marketing with articles.

However, one of the most common questions I get is this: how can I prepare a good article?

This reveals that even if most internet entrepreneurs realize that they have to pursue article marketing, not everyone is skilled enough to craft a made-for-the-internet type of informative work.

Therefore, I have prepared some simple steps on how you can create the best kind of good article for online advertising purposes.

  1. Determine the topic you want to discuss with your article.

  2. Don't settle for a general subject.  Filter it down to a more specific subject that people will be fascinated with.  Just to illustrate, don't settle for the broad subject of "dogs."  Find a sub-topic that will win the imagination of the prospects you will be targeting.  Usually, this sub-topic pertains to a particular demand, like "dog training" for dog owners who are experiencing difficulty when it comes to living with their unruly canine companions, or "dog grooming" for allergic owners who can't survive the smell of their dirty canine friends.  You need to unearth a sub-topic that will make people take notice.  This is critical.  A lot of articles fail because they don't serve a more specific subject.

  3. Because the sub-topic should serve a particular demand, your article must be able to provide a remedy.  However, depending on how the article will be used, the remedy you will share will vary.  For example, if the article is going to be used to promote a product, then practice restraint on the answer you will provide.  Your goal, in such a scenario, is to give the impression that you are an expert in the field, and compel your readers to study what you have to offer.  Keep this in mind throughout the writing process.

  4. Craft a catchy grabbing title that is simple but nevertheless exciting.  People will check out your article if they will like its title.  Otherwise, no one will view what you have written.

  5. Always remind yourself that each article has 3 fundamental parts: the opening, the body, and the ending.  The opening will introduce what your piece is all about.  You can share a surprising fact, an alarming statistic, or a funny analogy to jerk your audience into realizing that yes, the author is the real deal.  The body will explore the message you desire to relay, of course.  And the ending will review the problem, the provided solution, as well as interject some calls to action (i.e. click my link) if necessary.

  6. What is the prescribed length for articles? It's safe to say that three hundred to seven hundred and fifty words would be fantastic!

These are just some general tips for article writing.  It is not hard to write a good article all it takes is some preparation and some thought.  With time you will find it gets a lot easier.  For further advice on writing a good article and other ways you can increase your website traffic take a look at Marketeermum.

Simple Internet Marketing Techniques For The Small Business Owner

By Claire Bullerwell

A small business may not have the manpower or resources as a large corporation but with current technology and a broadband internet access, a small business owner can scale up and play with the big boys.  Internet marketing for a small business can be affordable and reach the right type of prospects.

The bare minimum for any small business is internet presence via a website.A well presented website shows what the business can offer, easily loads and is easily navigable.The colors on the web site should be easy on the eyes, and not to interfere with the text on the page.  The aim is to inform the internet user about the business and what it offers.The website must not only sell the business but also itself, making the interested browser wanting to keep coming back to the page.

A website address should also be easy to remember, as well as easy to find.There are many creative ways to name a web site, but it still should sound like the business name.  Finding the website from scratch needs search engine optimization. 

Depending on the services or merchandise being offered, a shopping cart may or may not be added to the site.  E-commerce payment options would include credit card, checks, bank transfers or postal money orders.  For these, there are third-party plug-ins from the internet.

When a buyer searches the internet for a product, he uses a search engine like Google or Yahoo!  Search engine optimization is a process where the website is developed and prepared in order to have good web-site search results.

A more interactive internet marketing tool is a blog.  A blog (short for "web log") gives the blogger and small business owner a promotional venue for products and services.It would also show the small business owner's technical knowledge on the business.  Or be a marketing tool describing the latest specials or promotional offers.

PPC search engine internet marketing (ppc=pay per click) is a very favorable form of advertising for small and large businesses wanting to advertise online.It is extremely cost-effective and you can test your marketing advertisements out for very little money.

Podcasting is a relatively small niche which the small business owner can avail of.  However, not all businesses are a good fit for podcasting.  A travel agency, a flower shop, or a bookstore podcast would entice the listeners to availing of the services the business offers.A podcast on a certain topic could help market technical consultant services.

An affiliate network is a more advanced form of marketing tool for a small business.An affiliate network gives the small business a quick way of growing reach and acquiring website traffic.  In it's simplest form, affiliate network is a form of commission based selling.The affiliate earns by either sending internet users (also called "traffic") to the business web-site.There are numerous forms of commission-based schemes based on clicks, page views and actual sales. 

Another advantage of this tool is that the business owner does not have to manage the affiliates, aside from writing commission checks.The affiliates sign-up on their own then can add the ads and banners to their web site(s).  There are third-party sites which do the tracking for affiliate networks which cater to specific products and services.

However, there are so many affiliate programs on the Net today, affiliates are getting very choosey when deciding on the best affiliate programs to join in order to receive the best commission available.

It is then up to the affiliates to promote and advertise the small business' products/service.  One popular method is affiliate article marketing which is really taking off at the moment.This is where affiliate marketers write and distribute their articles to help promote and advertise products.

Although the methods and tools for internet marketing could have varying degrees of technical knowledge needed, these tools are available.The small business owner can choose which tool is fitting for his business in terms of reach, target market and internet presence.  The small business owner is not limited to the immediate community and dependent on traditional methods of reaching out to the market.


3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online

 Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.

There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.

What are these three tactics?

1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.

Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.  Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.  Top Affiliate Training Program

You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.

Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word "free" because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.

3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.  This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.  Top Affiliate Training Program

Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.

Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.

The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.

Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.  You need to find a top affiliate training program.

Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…

Top Affiliate Training Program


Syndicate Kahuna Could Be The Death For PLR Articles

Syndicate Kahuna - So What Is? A blog feeder or an article distribution service depending on which side of the fence you are sat.

Using Syndicate Kahuna as a blog feeder: Once signed up you enter user details of any blogs you want to enter into the system. Syndicate Kahuna will then check the categories of your blogs and feeds suitable posts to these categories as regular as you want, once, twice a day etc. This service is free and there are no plans to start charging a fee at a later date. All blogs will at first be getting articles put together by the professional marketers from Portal Feeder, the top end marketing members only site. These articles will be unique and written to rank well for selected keyword phrases.

Using Syndicate Kahuna as an article distribution service: You put together your articles using a simple system that makes them spinable so that each post is totally unique. Choose the category that best suits your article and Syndicate Kahuna then posts a unique article to each blog that has been entered into Syndicate Kahuna within that category. Because every post is unique and fed into the system slowly (1 every 6 hours), the links within the articles seem much more natural than usual article marketing where the exact same article suddenly shows up within several article directories. There is a small fee for this service.

Syndicate Kahuna claim to have have designed their system to handle a massive 22 000 blogs so the spread of your articles will be big. What makes Syndicate Kahuna so good though is the way it handles the spun content. Spin ready content is when you write several options for words, sentences and even paragraphs. The system selects one of your options before moving to the next and picking another one and so on. Just by writing a few options for each paragraph creates hundreds of variations of your article.

The launch of Syndicate Kahuna may well be the end for many of the PLR membership sites. What IM'er is going to buy PLR content, give the time required to rewrite it and then the time needed to visit each blog every day to post the articles when they can sign up with Syndicate Kahuna for free and have all the work done for them?

Article Marketing Automation, a similar service but on a smaller scale launched recently by PLRPro proved to be a massive success. Syndicate Kahuna is run by the same guys that produced Portal Feeder and Traffic Kahuna and both these memberships are constantly full. Traffic Kahuna closed its doors within 12 hours of opening and has remained closed ever since, while Portal Feeder's doors have been closed since last December.

This should tell you two things, the services provided by these guys are exceptionally good because members hardly ever give up their place and that if you want to get your blogs into Syndicate Kahuna you should act now. You can see a video showing how the service works and get your blogs entered by clicking here.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

5 Ways To Add New Life To A Seemingly Dead Information Product

Let's presume that, your digital product doesn't sell anymore.  Its online market life has reached the end of the line.  Majority of the people under its targeted market has already bought one, and no sales have been made for many months.

Should such be taken to indicate that your eBook has stopped being a profit generator and should be put to rest already?

Absolutely not!

Even if your eBook has arrived at the end of its shelf cycle, you can continue to profit from the same by employing other tactics and implementing new methodologies.  Your eBook still got some life in it, and its just a matter of deciding on the correct arena for what it can still provide.

Here are five ways which you can use to continue to profit from old eBooks:

1.    Sell resale rights to your digital product.  By selling your item with the added incentive in the form of the business opportunity of being able to resell such for profit, you will be tapping into a different audience - online businessmen who are consistently on the lookout for goods to sell.  Also, by including resale rights to your product, you can offer it for at least 400% more than the actual selling price.

2.    Sell private label rights to your eBook.  PLR is much like resale rights, however, PLR provides the right to change, convert and/or modify the eBook, as well as the power to attach the wielder's name as the creator of such.  Some product originators wish to preserve the structure and layout of their eBooks and only attach the more limiting resale rights.  But other product publishers merely want to earn off their eBooks and they include the most lucrative rights possible, namely PLR, to command the best price that can be garnered.

3.    Divide your information product and use the separated parts for various online business goals.  Articles?  As informative content for your web pages?  An e-course?  As messages for your newsletter?  Your fading information product can be a maginificent resource for such things.

4.    Re-brand your information product and utilize it as a viral marketing seed.  Print your URL on every page and distribute the information product for free.  Watch the traffic led to your website expand at an unyielding rate.

5.    Transform your information product into a physical product and offer it in virtual or real world bookstores.  There are countless fulfillment services on the World Wide Web that specialize on such a task.  My own favorite is lulu.com, for the sole reason that they don't impose a particular quantity for their allowable minimum order.

Both new visitors and links from minutes of work - for years to come

I'm really happy because I have just joined a new service that the guys
at PLRPro have just launched to help you get first page Google rankings
and distribute your articles to high quality sites.

This is one of the largest breakthrough's they have made in
letting you automatic your marketing efforts.

Quite simply this is very, very big.... Really BIG - I know from experience

Its called Article Marketing Automation and you can visit them at
AMA Service.

It even lets you promote your YouTube videos as well as standard sites.

If you haven't been hiding under a rock lately, you will know how
Well made YouTube videos can be.

AND if you have been watching the SEO scene you would have also seen
how YouTube videos are getting first page rankings for EXTREMELY
competitive terms very, very, very easily.

See Google wants to include other media in its search results, it
also shows that YouTube videos are not competing on the same level
as the rest of the saved index.

It is MUCH easier to get a first page ranking for your own YouTube video then it is for the main keyword.

So they have that entirely covered all within this new system.

When submitting an article in AMATT, include a YouTube URL (your YouTube video that you created, or another one if you just
want your post to looking better).

Then you input some extra YouTube anchor text keywords (the terms you want your YouTube video to be in Google for)

And that's it.

Now AMAT, when it submits your article, will also include your video as well as link back to YOUR YouTube video, with varying link text,
Helping you get better video rankings.

COME ON this AMA ServiceT innovation is huge.

Nobody is doing this right now, and certainly not as easy as this.

What a powerful feature for just one part of what the system really does.

Help you distribute your high quality articles to real sites giving you an instant traffic with your website.

AMA ServiceT have even been able to produce first page rankings for normal (not video) competitive keywords with over 400,000 competition.

What would it mean to you if you could do this exact same promotion to your own money sites?

Join Today

Article Underground Review – Best PLR Membership Site

A lot of internet marketers are struggling to get their website seen in the search engines. Many people believe it is difficult if not down right impossible to rank in the top 10 results of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.

So is it difficult to do well in search engine optimization unless you have deep pockets? Not at all according to Mike Liebner, the owner of Article Underground. Mike as well as me have proved that it is possible to grab top search engine ranking easily if you know what you are doing. His article underground membership site was designed to help anyone dominate the search engines with white hat SEO techniques.

In fact, if you were to subscribed to his newsletter, he has a large library of videos that explain in details how SEO works and how you can improve your website’s search engine rankings.

I would consider article underground to be actually two memberships in one. The first part of the membership provides members with 400 private label articles. These are about 500 words in length and are well researched and written. The only complaint I have about the PLR articles are that they are completely random and not based around a few niches. So some of the articles I get aren’t put to use. But if you accumulate several months of articles, you probably will get enough content to build a site.

The second part of the memberships is the 30 announcement blogs. These blogs allows members to post snippets of content to get backlinks to their websites. If you use the PLR articles which are based on low competition keywords plus the backlinks from announcement blogs, it will be hard not to make money. There are also around 80 plus members contributed blogs you can post your backlinks.

Currently, the price is at $97 a month and while it can be expensive for most people, I personally think it is worth the money. Not only do you get PLR articles but you also get blogs you can post your backlinks. I have seen memberships that cost more than $150 a month simply to get access to these blogs.

Click here for a more in depth Article Underground review. Click here to learn how you can maximize your membership with mike liebner article underground review.

How An Email Marketing System Can Help You Increase Your Profit Rate

If you're doing any type of undertaking through the avenues and tools made possible by the online world and you're not taking advantage of emails as marketing weapons, then you're terribly missing out on what could very well multiply your presentt income by as much as fifteen-fold.

Truly, email marketing is the most powerful sales technique on the World Wide Web these days.

Email marketing traces its roots from direct marketing via actual, tangible mails.  Can you still remind yourself of those moments when you opened envelops of glossy brochures from corporations plying their products?  Remember the number of times you did you absorb the words they delivered?  How many nights did you spend dreaming about the products they offered?  Want to recall how many times you chose to purchase what they were presenting?

Such is the power of direct marketing, and such is the efficiency of email marketing.

Email marketing is composed of three critical stages:

1.    creating a subscriber base.  This likewise entails developing a buzz event or product that will enslave the interest of internet users and offering for them products of obvious value to encourage them to leave their contact infos, particularly their email addresses.

2.    Building a good relationship with the signees of your mailing list.  Email marketing is likewise named follow-up marketing, simply because it empowers the web businessman to check up on his leads.  Following up doesn't only mean presenting sales pitches.  On the contrary, web entrepreneur are advised to establish their credibility, establish faith amongst their leads, and introduce their business without being forceful about things. 

3.    Presenting one's offer.  Naturally, it's all about selling.  It must be ensured that a good and strong relationship is established before the internet businessman try to push for his items for sale.  With a sizable subscriber base that has grown to trust the web entrepreneur, he would have immediate connection to many prospects who are most likely to acquire what he has to offer.

The heart of each email marketing setup is an autoresponder service.  An autoresponder service empowers the web businessman to make the entire process easier.  The autoresponder service can be left on auto-pilot to capture email addresses 24/7.  The autoresponder service can likewise automatically distribute messages to the subscribers based on preloaded messages and predetermined intervals of sending.  Better yet, an autoresponder service can empower the internet entrepreneur to create multiple mailing lists - say, one for new sign-ups, another for subscribers who bought a product once, and a thirs one for people who purchased twice or more - and transfer members from one mailing list to another.

Web 2.0 Primer

Web 2.0 has been the craze for more than 2 years now and still a lot of companies are wondering, What is Web 2.0 ? Speaking from an Experience stand point, there are 2 parts to it. 1 is Web 2.0 Design, another is Web 2.0 Programming Approach.

The design will speak for itself and if you look at websites today, they are more and more becoming simple and clean. Why is this? Well being minimalist nowadays is the way to go, more space to deliver richer content, the cleaner the look, the Better. Simple yet professional.

Another reason would be in the ROI angle point, Return of Investment, why? Well so far most search engines today specially Big G focuses more on content and relevancy, and this is where Web 2.0 is specialized of. Now, for your website to be marketable, it has to be search engine friendly. This was based on a friend of our which are experts in the Search Engine Marketing industry Infinite SEO. Why do you think you found us in the first place =) At any rate, more and more websites today are evolving to such in which case aiming for ROI which is actually a good standpoint now as companies are now open to Going Core with Web development.

Web 2.0 Programming is another thing, it may not be as SEO friendly as our partners say but they achieve the complexity of seemingly using desktop applications in your browsers, no more next page or any other page, everything runs down in front of your eyes.

This is where we want our developments and designs to be, user friendly, minimalist, professional but funtion rich. Achieving this will create a simple entry point between consumers and vendors upon which everything will be easier done and more accurate and interactive in it's feel. A nice combination of web 2.0 design and programming will be the key point probably in the next 2-3 years.

How to Blog for Profit

Blogging is not just a form of self-communication, it's also an excellent way to make money online. If you're new to blogging and yet want to start quickly, there are several business models you can try for maximum results in a short time. This article discussed the three most popular methods.

The first method is get paid to blog or paid blogging. Using this method, you create your blog and add a few good articles to it. Then you signup with paid blogging networks like Pay Per Post or Review Me and see what "opportunities" are available. These networks are filled with advertisers looking for blogger who can help them spread the word, and they are willing to pay. Accept the opportunity, write about it on your blog, and you get paid.

The second method is WordPress and AdSense and it requires a little more technical know-how. You need to build a WordPress blog on a specific niche topic, and start writing some good content on it. At the same time, try to get links from other blogs by leaving comment on the blogs or by doing a link exchange with the blogger. The objective is to get more traffic who will click on your AdSense ads and make you money.

The third and most sophisticated method is affiliate marketing with WordPress blogs. Again, you set-up a good WordPress blog but with this model the amount of content you publish is not as important as the "selling quality" of the content. Each post you write must pre-sell the web visitor and convince him to click on your affiliate links. When the visitor makes a purchase online after that, you get credited for the sale and earn commissions.

Ultimately, which model you choose depends on how much time and resources you can dedicate to creating and managing your blogs. If you're new, you should choose a low-investment model and compensate by spendingmore time on it. When you get the hang of it, you can venture into other blogging models as well.

"How To Earn Extra Money From Your Hobbies"

How many people can wake up in the morning and, instead of joining the flood of traffic headed into the corporate world, focus on doing just what they love? If you’re not already rich enough to enjoy your hobbies, you might consider a way to let your hobbies make you rich!

It’s amazing how many people stumbled on their dreams just by accidentally profiting from their hobbies. You may need to do a little bit of research to see where the profits lie in regards to your particular hobby.

With some hobbies, the way to make money might be obvious. Crafts can be sold for a profit if they’re unique and the public is willing to pay for it. But what if your hobby is knitting? Will anyone actually pay for the sweaters and scarves you create?

You have to start your quest for information by going to the king of all search engines – Google. When you get to Google, type in the name of your hobby. If I enter knitting, I find a list of results from Google, but on the right side of the screen is a list of ads.

Click on those ads to find out how other people are profiting from that hobby. When I do this, I see several results. Some are for online magazines people sell subscriptions to, or newsletters where they can read knitting tips and stories.

Other results in the ad section are for dyes to dye the yarn, or the yarn itself. Supplies people buy for their knitting hobby can be a goldmine of profits for you. You may not be selling the results of your hobby directly, but your expertise plays an important role because the buying public trusts you to sell them quality materials.

You can go to a keyword tool to find out what people are searching for within your hobby, and then create a business out of those searches. Download a free keyword tool like Good Keywords and use it to see how the public searches within that niche.

When I do this and search for knitting, I find out many people are seeking knitting instructions, knitting machines, knitting supplies, knitting books, and knitting stores on the internet.

You could open an online store that sells knitting patterns, knitting needles, yarn, dyes, and projects and even make money teaching your hobby to others with the same interests but who have fewer skills than you possess. Making money from your hobby isn’t hard. You just have to find out how the masses need your expertise and then charge for it to consumers willing to pay.

Robert Brealey is an internet addict and avid follower of making money online. He has a website that provides valuable information, uncovers the best places to set up a website and gives away a free new ultimate supertip digital download. To take advantage of all this and more make sure you check out Robert's site at www.AnyoneCanProfit.com

The #1 best kept secret to making money online

The #1 best kept secret to making money online

Clickbank for Dummies! Follow the $633,798.35 Clickbank Profiteer who unveils the 'step-by-step' video tutorial system for banking big, FAT juicy profits..

  • -->
  • How to Use Clickbank to Generate

    Monster Ongoing Profits


          - by Andrew Fox


    © Andrew Fox - All Rights reserved



    Click Bank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day.  What people don't realize is how easy it is to get started with Click bank and how you can start generating  sales even if you have your own product. There are a few ways to do this. 1) Acquire Resale Rights to a product you don't own, create an page for affiliates and supply them tools to promote and feed of their efforts.2) Promote products as an affiliate using Pay per Click Search Engines So which method is best? I've successfully tried both methods, both with good results. For the beginner I recommend promoting products as an affiliate to get used to how the system works and to help sharpen your pay per click search engine advertising skills. Acquiring Resale Rights to a hot selling product can be lucrative venture when set up correctly. In fact I managed to generate over$25,764 in sales for a resale license I paid $197 for without spending a penny on advertising. I was able to do this by leveraging Click bank’s instant affiliate force which I teach in great depth in my new course Dominating CB.  Once you have built a successful customer and lead list there are also several ways you can leverage this into even greater profits. Click bank is such an attractive proposition for affiliates to use. They know they are going to get paid twice per month and on clockwork every time.  Sometimes product owners complain that the fees are higher than the average merchant account but the ability to leverage its massive network of affiliate can results in mega profits when done correctly.


    Warm Regards,                                                                                                                                                   Andrew Fox


    -=-=-=-=-=-Andrew Fox has been marketing online since 1999 and has sold millions of dollars of products. You can view his Clickbank tutorial guide now at

    http://jazzylg.domcb2.hop.clickbank.net     Feel free to reproduce this article to your own website/ ezine list.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Bum marketing method: Bum marketing tools that can help a bum marketer to retire before 30 years old

If possible, who does not wish to retire young around the age of 30 or 40 so that one can enjoy the rest of his life. How do you wish to achieve early retirement?

Bum marketing method is all about doing business online, being an affiliate or a middle person and helping others to promote their stuff by article writing or doing a website. Your start up is low or even zero as you can find many social networks providing free landing page online. This is the main reason many people choose this method to make money online. Many sites are made to make money even if they do not put up any products to sell at their sites. And honestly speaking, most web pages are operating with such properties. Do you want to know how much profits the domain operators can make a day? Probably a few hundreds dollars if estimate conservatively. Are you prepared to find out how do they manage to make such amount of money?

bum marketing requires a lot of efforts, and if you are eager to give your best in this online marketing career with this method, you will surely get the results you deserve sooner or later. I have seen many marketers made good money with bum marketing just after the first few weeks, however it is also a good result if you can make some sales in the first month.

Every positive thing has a negative side, so is bum marketing method. Bum marketing works are very easy to do but need quite a lot repetition. They are so easy to do that not many people can do it over and over again before they can see the money getting into their pockets. Imagine you are continuously writing 20 or 40 similar articles or more articles, will you feel bored of it? I have done a website, bum marketing cons and solutions for more advanced details about Bum Marketing and the appropriate tools you MUST use to maximize your profit in Internet Marketing. Internet marketers who are not satisfied with the traditional way of doing bum marketing can come in to seek help from different bum marketing tools.

Don't forget to drop by secret bum marketing tools too to find out some secret and useful bum marketing tools which are not widely known to the marketers!

Attaining Success With Holly Mann

Holly Mann's Honest Riches 3 , the most comprehensive version yet, is coming your way soon.It's not quite ready for the all-around public yet, but, knowing Holly personally and having helped her out with her forum for a couple years, I've been able to do a full review of her upcoming release. With the new release of Honest Riches 3 approaching from Miss Holly Beth Mann, it only seemed fitting to take some time to let you know a little more about her.

So, who is Holly Mann as a person?

Holly Mann is a woman with a real genuine case to help people get started in the pursuit of their online dreams.Holly, really is a breath of fresh air for people, and is quite unlike your usual marketers who is simply in the business for pure selfish gain. Holly Mann is more about sincerely helping people. It's a very extraordinary treat to get these types of qualities in people, especially, when they are in the business of working online.

Holly got her beginning by creating websites and then marketing them on Ebay. She acknowledged that there were people realizing a fair quantity of success with this. Holly, who was already quite experienced at web design felt that she could actually improve upon what was already being provided. She would look at web sites that were selling for a modest amount on Ebay. It occured to her that she could create websites that were much more appealing than what was presently being offered. This is how Holly started out her humble
beginnings online, and only a petite part of what was to become in the near future.

Holly Mann was a young single mother who was having financial difficulties and she realized a dream of making the position better for herself and for her boy. It had been Holly's ambition to not have to trust on other individuals for anything. Holly began to research and study as much as she could about the different ways that she could possibly realize a living online, and went after her dream with a good determination that very few people demonstrate.  She worked very long and endless hours in the beginning. After three months of suffering with very little sleep and a slow internet connection, she was
surprised to learn that she had created a sizeable amount of revenue.

There is one characteristic that many people don't recognize about Holly Mann in the beginning when they first find out about her. Holly Mann is a born again Christian. She was fourteen years old when she was born again, and it's pulled in a very large impact on her life. She had a somewhat turbulent childhood, and had a very overwhelming experience as a teenager which would modify her life forever. It's very clear that it's a unwearying force in the direction Holly carries on her life nowadays.

Holly has assisted thousands of people get get started online. Just like anybody else, Holly does her her own life to live to, although, when she does find the time to fit it in, she most likely will be found
giving help to somebody with something. This is a trait in which she has come to be known. It's been a very rewarding experience getting to know Holly myself. She truly does "walk the walk". Holly does give back, because she does acknowledge full well what it is like to be in a troublesome situation. In many cases, Holly has encountered ways for helping people from countries who had some serious restrictions in being able to work from home.

Holly Mann is a enormous inspiration to different upcoming people in the business, and everyone should make the time to learn a thing or two from her about human values and business integrity. Holly Mann's newest Honest Riches 3 is her greatest work to date, and should be in the collection of any early or established online marketers out there.

Myth Buster: Affiliate Payload and Real Results

An evaluation of the hype surrounding Affiliate Payload by a real user who tested the advocated traffic strategies over a period (a note of caution is also sounded on the product).

Affiliate Payload is a Media Buying information package written and released by Saj P and Alex Goad. Whether Alex Goad compiled and presented the information in the package is unclear and Myth Buster suspects that Saj P did the research and presentations.

The entire product consists of downloadable videos and a portable document format document. The information is well researched and written, flows logically and contains more than enough examples. The videos contain some show and tell examples and additional information, rambles and seem to be added as filler information, possibly as an afterthought.

A VIP OTA up sell is made during the sales funnel process. The VIP information consists of additional downloadable videos that add an extra twist to each of the advocated traffic generation options.

Affiliate Payload advocates generating traffic through various traffic broking and posting options with in depth discussions of Pay per Click, Pay per View, Cost per Action (including Cost per Lead, Cost per Impression and Cost per Sale), Incentivized Traffic Options, Co-Registration, Targeted Traffic Pools, Article / Blog / Forum Marketing and general Advertising.

Myth Buster launched a total of 5 highly niche targeted Media Buying campaigns (utilizing 4 of the advocated options) using the methodology outlined in Affiliate Payload. The campaigns consisted of PPC; PPV and TTP traffic options and included Incentive, Advertising, Reverse Demographics, Blog, Forum and Article combinations.

We tested for 5 business days. Results were monitored and adjustments were continuously made to improve CTR and Conversion Rates. A total of US $900 was spent on Traffic Buying with 12 hours of preparation and keyword research in 4 niche markets. 22 hours in total were spent on monitoring and adjustments.

The Click through Rate was high for all Traffic Buying campaigns due to highly researched phrases and targeted keyword groups used. As expected, the targeted PPC and TTP campaigns returned a much higher conversion rate compared to the pure and combination PPV campaigns. The Incentive and Reverse Demographic campaigns performed above expectation and are currently subject to further research.

Myth Buster feels that Affiliate Payload does not completely consist of myth, and does deliver on the promised outcome. It is not a package for new marketers or persons inexperienced in Media Buying techniques. A cautionary note must be sounded here that the traffic generation methods advocated by Affiliate Payload can lead to above average loss of profit if they are not properly managed / controlled and constantly adjusted.

None of the individual Traffic Buying strategies are new. The Business Edge is found in the unique application and implementation of these strategies. If these are implemented in a creative manner any person doing business via e-promotion will secure more than sufficient traffic at a very reasonable cost with the prospect of making money.

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