Monday, January 07, 2008

Anatomy of a well designed website

I just wanted to take a minute to share this screen grab with you.

I've been looking for alternatives to adsense for monitising blog traffic and other site traffic. I really don't want the LIVE IN websites we're working on to have that banner / adsense look to them.

I was interested in the various "INLINE" text advertising networks that I've noticed popping up around some of the more commercial blogs that I keep tabs on. (another post)

I found which is one of the leaders in this field and couldn't help by appreciate how effective and well done their site design was.

Take a minute to review my notes on the screen grab itself. Suffice to say their navigation layout is top notch, they have a clear message that starts with their logo and tagline and they ask for the "call to action" right up front before the fold on the home page.

All... top notch, take notice of the details and you'll see what i mean.

Click on the image to get a full size view.

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