Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spam Daily News | Update: Mozilla making tens of millions from Firefox

Spam Daily News | Update: Mozilla making tens of millions from Firefox: "In March 2006, Weblogs, Inc. founder Jason Calacanis reported a rumor on his blog that Mozilla Corporation gained $72M during the previous year, mainly thanks to the Google search box in the Firefox browser."

I don't understand what the big deal is about this, first of all it's hardly news... from the first day that I saw the built in search with ebay and google included I knew they were getting affiliate royalties, it's just common sense, I hardly need confirmation.

It's also part of why I use that search and not the box in my google toolbar to do my searches, I WANT to support the firefox initiative and if they get a few cents every time I click on a search result... well... good for them.

I don't see anything wrong with them making HEAP LOADS of money off their free product, I think it's a great testament to the whole opensource software movement if they can establish a new revenue model that supports quality free software development.

Let's hope they get to be as big as google, I'm sure the dollars will be well spent on developing more solutions that use free tools for the end user that are supported by business... I think they should be flaunting the model, not back peddling and trying to remain "undisclosed amount" about it.

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