Monday, January 15, 2007

Calendar code tackled

After an initial attempt on the part of Francois, it looks like the elusive calendar module is going to be tackled by Vince Hodges.

XL Suite

He's done up a little sample test code to show off the drag and drop functionality, nothing much more yet, but it's nice to have some fresh energy on the team.

As much as I enjoy using google's calendar, I must say that it would be nice to have our own working calendar that was properly integrated into the rest of the application for a change.

It should really allow us to feed in other ical and xml fed calendars as well, how it would be managed as a multi user calendar anyway I'd expect. is Vince's company and they've got a neat little financial management tool that they've developed. helps you track your personal finances and is a perfect addition to offering that we're trying to create. We've flagged entering receipts as one of the things we need to be able to do.

Look for a new look on the software - XLsuite is getting a complete overhaul. We look forward to having a clean new look for the new year.

You can download the code now at and try it for yourself.

Feel free to drop us a line if you'd like to get involved, we're looking for all the help we can get.

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