Thursday, July 17, 2008

37signals Product Blog: Phasing out support for IE 6 across all 37signals products on August 15, 2008

37signals Product Blog: Phasing out support for IE 6 across all 37signals products on August 15, 2008: "Phasing out support for IE 6 across all 37signals products on August 15, 2008"

Nice to see that we're not hte only ones that are tiered of trying to optimize for 1/2 dozen different browsers.

I won't feel so bad in meetings when the corporate network of the client that I'm trying to sell has windows 2000 and running IE6... I'll just say, we've phased it out, you should too.

It's nice to be a niche market leader, you can afford to take these positions.

Vive la revolution linux

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Vancouver Real Estate

Downtown vancouver real estate is still shooting up at an impressive rate. Our newest client

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